This 2 and a half star⭐️ assignment is called “Favorite Movie Quote“. This quote is from my favorite movie Pursuit Of Happiness. This quote states that we might not be able to do everything, but can try with the motivation of succeeding. The reason chose Pursuit Of Happiness for this assignment is because it shows how we can grow in life, it teaches us on how we shouldn’t give up, no matter what the reasons may be. There are plenty of quotes/dialogues in this movie, but this one stands out as it has some meaning that really helps us when we’re struggling with anything.
The process of creating this:
- Choose a quote from your favorite movie
- Download an image from that movie
- Install/open Pixellab on you device.
- Click on the 3 icons located towards your right side
- Choose the image from your gallery
- Click the “A” symbol to the bottom left on your screen
- Scroll through till you see the text “Font”
- Select that option, and look through the different fonts available.
- If you’d like to use your own font, download it from a website and import. (I’d recommend using dafont)
- Choose the text you’d want to add and type the quote.
- Choose the color/text options you’d like to add.
- To save the image, click on the image which shows an image like a camera. And choose the choice, save as image.